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boise state dietitian

Did you know: The word dietetics originates from the Greek word diaita, meaning “way of life”. From the earliest recorded history, nutrition has been part of the cause, cure, and prevention of diseases.

The Pre-Dietetics Pathway at Boise State University will prepare students to apply for admission to bachelor or graduate level dietetic programs across the country. We strongly encourage students to work closely with their pre-health advisor to successfully meet admissions requirements for the program(s) of their choice.

Pre-Health Advising Team

Contact an advisor by emailing

Suggested Academic Plan

Steps you should be taking in your first year at Boise State:

  1. Attend Orientation
  2. Required Advising Appointment
  3. Start Major Exploration
  4. Start Exploring Schools
  5. Consider taking the courses listed to the right in your first year

The courses listed on the tables are meant as a guide for students to start completing the requirements to apply to Dietetics programs in the U.S. Students should meet regularly with their academic and pre-health advisors to ensure progress.

Semester 1 Semester 2
(FW) ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I (3)
(FM) MATH 133 Elementary Models with Functions (3)
(FS) PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
(FN) BIOL 227 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
(FA) Foundation of Arts (3)*
(FW) ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I (3)
(FM) MATH 133 Elementary Models with Functions (3)
(FS) PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
(FN) BIOL 227 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
(FA) Foundation of Arts (3)*

*For a complete list of University Foundation Courses please see the catalog on the Registrar’s Office website.

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